Instructions to Parents and Students

For Students:
  1. Courteous behavior with teaching, non-teaching staff and college mates is appreciated.
  2. Early Morning Meditation Practice keeps you in goods spirits the whole day.
  3. Cleanliness is godliness. Please help to maintain the campus clean.
  4. Serenity infuses elevated thoughts. Loitering on the campus is not appreciated.
  5. Attending classes regularly is a mark of a good student.
  6. Silence is a virtue especially in the library, classrooms, laboratories and corridors.
  7. Careful handling of books and laboratory equipments is the safest way to escape from penal actions.
  8. Lawns and plants expect nothing but appreciation from you from a distance.
  9. Regularity ensures attendance and admission ticket to the examination hall.
  10. Taking all the assignments and tests will ensure good internal marks.
  11. Parking vehicles in designated spots is a mark of discipline.
  12. The mobile phones play the spoil sport in a students’ career. Use of mobile phones on the campus is prohibited by law.
  13. Please note that pay and park is the norm for two wheeler users.

For Parents / Guardians:

  1. Attending parent – teacher’s meetings ensures both – growth of the institution and good performance of the wards.
  2. Please take an active interest in the progress of the ward. Kindly meet the heads of the departments to know the attendance and performance of your children.
  3. Please encourage your son / daughter to take an active part in co-curricular and extra curricular activities of the college.
  4. Kindly support your wards even if some programmes cost an additional fee.
  5. Please see that the student takes all the tests and exams.
  6. Kindly send him / her to special classes if held on Sundays or holidays.