Code of Conducts to be followed at the Institute

Code of Conduct for Students
  • Ragging is prohibited by law in the college campus.
  • Political activities are banned in the campus by rule. Student should not resort to any kinds of protests like Gheraos, Bundh, Harthal and any sort of violence within the campus.
  • The use of mobile phones by students in the Class rooms is strictly prohibited, and violation of this rule will subject the student to severe disciplinary action.
  • Students are warned against presenting mass petitions to the Principal or to the Management. They should not participate in:
  • Any agitation directed against constituted authority
  • Any meeting likely to excite disloyalty towards the Government
  • Any meeting likely to promote communal ill-feeling
  • Any activity that will cause unrest on campus
  • Plagiarism or other forms of academic dishonesty, furnishing false information to any college official, faculty or office, forgery, alteration or misuse of any college document, record, or instrument of identification, copying in examination etc. will call for strict disciplinary action amounting to suspension and dismissal.
  • Electronic devices other than for the purpose of study should not be brought to the college without the permission.
  • Irregular attendances, insubordination to lecturers, habitual in-attention in class, obscenity in word or deed are sufficient reasons for permanent or temporary dismissal of a student.
  • Official letters addressed to the college authorities expecting response should include self – addressed stamped envelope
  • Displaying notices without permission of the Principal is forbidden
  • Important information will be disseminated through notice boards, announcements over common announcement system, website and class representatives, depending on the nature of the information.
  • It is mandatory to wear the college identity card in campus.
  • Students can convene meeting only with the prior permission of the Principal. Persons who are not on the rolls of the college register will not be allowed to take part in any propaganda work in the college campus
  • The students should behave courteously with Teaching and Non – Teaching staff.
  • They need to keep the campus clean.
  • They should not loiter in or around the campus.
  • They are expected to be in time to the classes.
  • They ought to maintain silence in the library, class rooms and laboratories.
  • College property should be handled with care. Loss, damage or destruction will be chargeable individually or collectively as the case may be. They will be held responsible for the damage they cause to Books in the library, equipment in Laboratories and will have to pay for the same.
  • They should not vandalize the lawn / plants.
  • They should not absent themselves from the classes.
  • Students are expected to take all the Assignments, Tests and Exams.
  • According to University rules, students not satisfying the minimum attendance of 75% in all subjects, will not be eligible to take the final examination.
  • Students using Two Wheeler are required to park them in the parking slot with nominal charges for parking.
  • There is no Four Wheeler parking for students
  • No Parking fees for Cycles
  • The Principal has the complete authority to amend or modify any rule or regulation.

To Parents

  • Please remember to get in touch with us, at least once in a month, to know the progress of your son / daughter.
  • Please remember that, your attention can make a world of difference, to your son’s / daughter’s academic performance.
  • Please remember to spend some time with your son / daughter, each day.